A Lyon County softball mom is battling cancer, and friends are raising money to help the family pay for the fight against the disease.
Kendra Craft was recently diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer. Kendra and husband Jason have twin daughters on the Lady Lyon softball team. Kerstin and Kyra are sophomores on the squad, which will begin the 2019 season next month.
With the help of friends and The Athletic Center in Princeton, a #prayforKC fundraiser is under way online to raise money with t-shirt sales.
To take part, log onto www.athleticcenter.rocks, click on “More…” at the top of the page and scroll down to “KC Fundraiser.” Or click here: https://www.athleticcenter.rocks/product-page/gildan-heavy-cotton-tee-2
T-shirts are $20 apiece. You must order online.
A goal of 1,000 t-shirt sales has been set.
The current fundraiser will run through Friday, Feb. 8, at midnight. An additional sale may be added later, if needed.
The Athletic Center will compile the orders and print the t-shirts.
Proceeds raised will benefit the Craft family.