Three 2nd Region girls basketball players are among those recognized on the Lexington Herald-Leader’s Girls All-State Basketball Team. The teams, which were announced Tuesday, are voted on by coaches across the state.
Henderson County’s Emilee Hope and Madisonville’s Courtney Peyton were both named to the 3rd Team All-State. Webster County’s Marissa Austin was named honorable mention.
Maddie Scherr, Ryle
Shelby Calhoun, Christian Academy-Louisville
Taziah Jenks, Mercy
Erin Toller, Sacred Heart
Ally Collett, South Laurel
Kennedy Igo, Clark County
Kendall Wingler, Meade County
Whitney Hay, Elizabethtown
Brooklynn Miles, Franklin County
Macey Blevins, Wayne County
Amerah Steele – South Laurel
Malea Williams, Scott County
Hannah McKay, Owensboro Catholic
Haven Ford, Rowan County
Hope Sivori, Mercy
Hailey Smith, Wolfe County
Lexy Meyers, Leslie County
Morgan DeFoor, Scott County
Lexi Taylor, Bullitt East
Katie Ball, Belfry
Elizabeth Bertram, Barren County
Emilee Hope, Henderson County
Harley Paynter, Boyd County
Elise Ellison-Coons, Paul Laurence Dunbar
Marie Kiefer, Bishop Brossart
Allie Stone, West Carter
Courtney Peyton, Madisonville
Charlee Settle, Calloway County
Madison Thompson, Martin County
Kristen Clemons, Sacred Heart
Olivia Federle, Collins
Destinee Marshall, Sacred Heart
Lauren Lee, Casey County
Lexy Lynch, Owsley County
Brie Crittendon, Ryle
Alyssa Elswick, Shelby Valley
Amiyah Jenkins, Anderson County
Sidney Argo, Fleming County
Hailee Mullins, Hazard
Jerrica Thacker, Jenkins
Julia Parker, Ashland
Lucy Patterson, Warren East
Paige Vanzant, Logan County
Amelia Hodges, Bethlehem
Ella Thompson, Bethlehem
Ellie Heid, Portland
Marissa Austin, Webster County
Destin Armour, Muhlenberg County
Gena Cravens, Casey County
Zoe Strings, Paris