He was one of our fans at YourSportsEdge.Com from our very beginning on August 1, 2017. Former Hopkinsville Mayor, and community activist Wally Bryan passed away Thursday morning at the age of 73.
Outside of his politics and community work, Wally was a big local sports fan. He enjoyed the high school sports scene in Hopkinsville and Christian County, and you could tell it by just being around him. His energy and enjoyment of life was contagious.
Wally was also one of our big fans at YourSportsEdge.Com. From the days right after we launched, until an email I received from him just last Saturday, he never failed to express his appreciation for what we were trying to do for area athletes.
It was also thanks to Wally that we had the chance to interview Bird Averitt during this year’s Boys 2nd Region Tournament.
After some of those long and hard weeks, you could always be re-energized by running into Wally Bryan, and hearing him talk about how much he enjoyed reading and watching the content that was available at YourSportsEdge.Com.
Our thoughts, prayers, and sympathies go out to his family and friends, who mourn his passing.
Personally, I counted Wally as someone it was always a pleasure to run into and to have a few minutes to talk local sports with.
YourSportsEdge.Com lost a fan today, and more importantly, we lost a friend in Wally Bryan.