The Kentucky High School Athletic Association announced more detailed guidelines for the resumption of practices for fall sports. The guidelines are in effect through July 12 which is three days before the official start of practice for most fall sports.
At its Thursday board of control meeting, the KHSAA voted to eliminate the summer dead period for 2020 meaning once athletes begin workouts and practices, there will be not shutdown period. Normally, the dead period runs June 25-July 9.
The KHSAA also reaffirmed Thursday that they will not contradict any orders and guidelines established by the state and Governor Andy Beshear. They added they cannot override an order of the Governor without significant risk.
The KHSAA also stressed that all involvement by students is voluntary without repercussion for failure to attend. The opening of on-campus facilities for practices is at the discretion of each school district.
Here are the guidelines as set down for cheerleading —
An up-to-date physical is required before any athlete can begin practices
No gatherings of 10 or more people will be allowed before June 29
Six-foot social distancing must be practiced
Coaches, officials and other contest personnel may wear cloth face coverings at all times and are strongly encouraged to wear cloth face coverings especially whenever physical distancing is not possible
All students must bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must not be shared. Food should not be shared. Hydration stations (water cows, water trough, water fountains, etc.) should not be utilized.
June 1-14
School coaches and representatives can have face-to-face contact with students, but no practices are allowed.
June 15-28
- May hold small group physical fitness workouts, exercises, and skills training of ten (10) youths or fewer, with no more than one (1) adult coach per group, while following the Healthy at Work social distancing Guidelines for Groups of 10 People or Fewer.
- No competition is permitted Skills training must be socially distanced no touch, and low sharing, unless necessary to protect the health or safety of a youth participant.
- Multiple groups may conduct small group physical fitness workouts, exercises, and skills training but must groups must adhere to the social distancing guidelines in the next section.
- Any individual not essential for the conduct of these practices should not attend
- All involvement by students is voluntary without repercussion for failure to attend.
- No activity can be a condition for inclusion on a future roster.
- Competition or simulated competition cannot be conducted
- Tryouts may be conducted (virtually only with the prospective member only) for future Cheer and Dance squads.
June 29-July 12
- May resume team/group practices without competition.
- Youth participants should be subdivided small groups of ten (10) youths or fewer, with no more than one (1) adult coach per group, while following the Healthy at Work social distancing Guidelines for Groups of 10 People or Fewer.
- All team/group practices are limited to fifty (50) youths or fewer, in accordance with the Healthy at Work social distancing Guidelines for Groups of 50 People or Fewer.
- Practices are limited to low touch, medium sharing activities, unless necessary to protect the health or safety of a youth participant.