KHSAA Responds to Inaccurate Report of Season Swap


A tweet that circulated on social media Monday night that said the Kentucky High School Athletic Association was considering swapping the fall and spring seasons has been deemed false.

A since-deleted tweet from PrepSpin, a company that live-streams high school sports in the Lexington area, said the KHSAA was set to vote next week on a proposal to move the baseball season to August-October, play basketball from January-March, and move football to the spring.

PrepSpin later deleted the tweet and said they have restricted the Twitter access of the person who sent the tweet.

On Tuesday, the KHSAA sent their own tweet, saying “To correct early misinformation, there is no proposal under consideration or upcoming vote to switch the FB and BA seasons. The authors of the original tweet have retracted and any discussion of this type of move is not on any upcoming Board agenda for vote.”

In the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were reports that Ohio was considering swapping fall and spring sports, but those rumors also proved to be untrue.

The start of the fall high school sports season is uncertain as COVID-19 restrictions established by the state and the KHSAA have limited what high-contact sports such as soccer and football can do in the conditioning phases.  The official start of practice is July 12 with schools waiting to see what guidelines the KHSAA sends down from July 12 on.


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