The KHSAA is “Now on the Clock” on Fall Sports Decision


While there were actions taken involving restaurants and bars in Kentucky, there were no new mandates announced Monday by Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear that directly involve the possibility of restarting high school sports in the state. With that, eyes now turn to Tuesday morning’s special called meeting of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Board of Control.

During his briefing Monday afternoon, Governor Beshear did encourage school districts to look at starting the school year no earlier than the 3rd week of August. That however was a recommendation, not an order from the Governor’s office. Many districts in the area have already made the decision to start in the final days of August, or later.

Whether or not that recommendation impacts the KHSAA’s decision on new guidelines for the resumption of high school sports in the state will be seen during the Tuesday morning meeting.

Under the current guidelines, the only sport ready to start competition is golf, which is set to open its season later this week.

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