Information about my transition to being part of Edge Media Group


With my move to join the Edge Media Group starting next week just wanted to let all the long-time faithful — and those who have joined us recently — know about a few things.

Yes, the site will look different and have some subtle modifications. But change can be good and this will be. However, what won’t change is the same type content you have enjoyed here. So be patient as you maybe learn to navigate a new look for

One downside to the move is that not every story that has been on the site the last four years will get moved over in the transition. So if you have a favorite story or two or three, make sure to call it up in the next few days and save it where you can find it. Now a lot — and I mean a lot — of stories will make the transition. But in four years plus there have probably been 6,000 or more unique stories here.

If there is something you like — or don’t like — let me and Edge Media know. They want you to enjoy the site.

If you are an advertiser or know an advertiser who might like to be part of this or the statewide radio network that will have my daily UK sports thoughts starting Sept. 1, then let me or Edge Media know. And if you are a radio affiliate that would like to use the daily radio spot, let us know. Guarantee we can make that work, too.

I am very appreciative of this opportunity with Edge Media Group and hoping many of you might take the time to let them know that as well.

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