Mark Stoops like any other father when it comes to watching his son play football


Vicky Graff Photo

Mark Stoops is regarded as one of the rising coaching stars not only in the Southeastern Conference but in the nation. Kentucky has been to four straight bowl games and has won 18 games overall the last two seasons, including two bowl games.

However, at times Stoops is really not different from any other father who watches his son play sports.

During Monday’s pregame media conference about UK opening the season Saturday at Auburn, Stoops got a bit of a different question. He was asked about watching his son’s eighth-grade football game.

“I feel I do a good job of taking off the coach’s hat but I will say my son’s game, we were in a tough game,” the Kentucky coach said.

“I was glad somebody caught it on tape. My son (Will) had a great catch, the only touchdown of the game. That was fun for me to see that.”

Stoops sat in the stands with his wife and younger son most of the game before his coaching instincts kicked in a bit — and most parents certainly would understand because it happens to most of us.

“There came a point in the game late where it started getting a little dicey where I had to get down there (on the sideline) and throw a few suggestions out to my son,” Stoops admitted.

“In the eighth grade they aren’t used to backpedaling (on pass coverage), so I had to deepen them up a little bit (in the secondary). Lo and behold we intercept and ice the game and win 8-0. So that was a fun game.”

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