Former players and new offensive coordinator had role in Darian Kinnard staying at UK for senior season


Darian Kinnard (SEC Photo)

Darian Kinnard got to play one year at Kentucky with linebacker Josh Allen and defensive back Mike Edwards because they chose to play their senior seasons at UK rather than jump to the NFL. Allen became a top 10 draft pick by Jacksonville and Edwards a third-round by Tampa Bay, a playoff team this year.

Kinnard, an All-American offensive lineman, made a similar decision Monday and said knowing what that duo did had an impact on his decision.

“I have all the confidence in the world of my abilities and how I can play but sitting down and talking to Josh (Allen) on the phone, it just made me really sit back and think,” Kinnard said. “This whole last month was very stressful just trying to make this decision but after talking with Josh and understanding where he came from and what he went through this is probably the best decision for me and my family.

“I want to be able to go to the NFL like everybody else. I’m so close but I know there’s some things I’ve got to work on to make sure I can stay in the NFL for a long time so I’m just going to come back, work on myself and better my team.”

Knowing new offensive coordinator Liam Coen is now coaching with the Los Angeles Rams also had an impact in the decision.

“I haven’t talked to the new OC yet but it has been a little bit of a factor just knowing that we’re going to have more of an NFL pro-style offense especially to show more of my ability on the field,” Kinnard said.

“I feel like it was just going to be a great opportunity to continue developing, continue evolving and also getting me out of my comfort zone with the plays or new schemes. I felt like it would be a great time to develop and make sure I’m fully prepared when I go.”

Kinnard said the COVID-driven season did not have any real influence on wanting to return to have a normal collegiate season.

“At the end of the day it’s football. You go out there every Saturday night prepping for an opponent, and you play at the best of your ability, that’s all you can do,” Kinnard said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a season where you’re playing all in-conference or just playing a regular season.

“That’s the kind of outlook you need to have going into every year and every week. Just prep for that opponent, play to the best of your ability and then move on to the next one.”

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