Caldwell’s Boys Split Matches in Season-Opening Action


Caldwell County’s boys split eight matches in season-opening action Monday in Princeton.

Paducah St. Mary had just one player in the boys’ match. However, several Paducah Home School students also took part in the competition.

In the lone boys’ match with the Vikings, Caldwell’s Jordan Hammett picked up a 6-2, 6-3 victory over Rex Roof.

In singles matches against the Paducah Home School students, which didn’t count in the team totals:
Ryan Hammett fell to Abel Pride 8-0;
Billy Wallace lost to Micah Pride 8-0;
Nick Adams defeated Tate Rudd 8-6;
and Grayden Miller topped Eli Ingrum 8-1.

In doubles:
Jordan Hammett/Ryan Hammett lost to Roof/Abel Pride 8-5;
Wallace/Bryce Thomas fell to Micah Pride/Rudd 8-4;
and Cannon Littlejohn/Cason Littlejohn won their match 8-0.

Caldwell returns to action on Thursday, March 18, with a trip to Paducah St. Mary.

The Tigers defeated St. Mary to start last season. But that was the only match Caldwell got in before COVID-19 brought an end to the 2020 spring sports season.

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