Baseball Attendance Guidelines Released for Christian County and Hopkinsville


Officials with the Christian County Public Schools have released the attendance policies for the 2021 baseball season at both Christian County and Hopkinsville High School. The season is set to officially get underway the week of March 29. Both teams lost their entire 2020 season due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Below are the policies for the two schools.




*Maximum attendance of up to 200 guests.

No ticket sales at the gate

For specific ticket sale protocol, see CCHS website.


*Spectators will enter through the Glass Ave entrance – Temperature checks, flyer handout, payment, and guest checklist will be done at the underpass between the 600 and 500 hall. (Spectators will remain in their vehicles)

*Spectators will park in the teacher parking lot behind the right-field fence, they will enter the facility through Kevin Crider Way to find seating.

*Family members can sit together without socially distancing.

* Non-family members will maintain social distancing.

*Seating will be available as follows: chair backs, right and left field lines (stand or personnel chairs), behind the outfield fence (no seating in center field).

*The concession stand will have painted or taped “X” spots for fans to wait in line to maintain social distancing.

*No congregating or loitering in non-seated areas.

*Home spectator restroom: hitting facility (use external entrance and exit)

*Visitor spectator restroom: behind the concession stand

*Announcements will be made every inning to remind spectators of social distancing, as well as mask protocol.

*Tickets $5.00

*CCHS Season Ticket= $50.00 (home game=14—14X$5=$70—-70% is $49)


*Guest teams will have their temperatures taken at the bus drop-off in front of Kevin Crider Way.

*A maximum of 21 players in the dugout

*Players will socially distance by sitting in chairs and lockers at a minimum of 6ft apart (home). In the visitors’ dugout, they will socially distance by sitting in chairs and marked “X” spots on the benches.

*No more than 30 in the dugout.

*Game balls will be rotated every half inning (or as necessary). During the rotation, the balls will be wiped down with disinfectant before returning to play (designated coach).

*Players and coaches will only be allowed to use personal water bottles. A designated player will refill when necessary.

*All coaches and players will have a mask on when in the dugout.

*No seat swapping, players in the game will be in chairs at the front of the dugout, the chairs will be on “X” spots to maintain social distancing. Their chair or locker will be their spot for the game. This will allow players to go to and from the field of play with limited crossover.

*In between innings, a designated coach will wipe down all bats and helmets that were used in the previous inning.


*All products for purchase will be packaged in a sealed package and distributed to consumers.

*Items to be served will include but are not limited to: bottled/can drinks, prepackaged and sealed food items.


*Upon conclusion of the game, spectators will exit the field through Kevin Crider Way to the parking lot. The visiting team players will exit behind the hitting facility (the visitor’s bus will be parked at the gate).

*School personnel will direct fans.

*Absolutely no loitering outside of the dugout!

*Home team players will put equipment in the facility, then exit in uniform. (No changing in the locker room after a game)

*Players with rides there will go directly to their cars, no loitering in or around the building.

*Players waiting on rides will maintain social distancing with masks on outside of the indoor facility under the Kevin Crider Way sign.



Fan Capacity
*Attendance – HHS Baseball field will hold a maximum of 200 Fans for games.
*No ticket sales at the gate
*For specific ticket sale protocol, see HHS website.

Fan Guidelines

*Fans will enter off Koffman Drive at the High School Entrance. Parking will be in the bottom parking lot behind the Gym and Pool. Fans will then go to the ticket booth entrance for Temp Checks, Receive Covid Handout.

*Family Members will be allowed to sit together during the event.

*Non Family attendees will practice social distancing in other available seating.

*Seating available will be chair backs, bleachers, and bringing your outdoor chair.

*Concessions will be located directly behind Home Plate. Fans will follow the cones and chains set up for buying items. There will be marks on the concrete showing the path to follow.

*All items will be prepackaged upon sale. No condiment table will be available. All drinks sold will be bottled drinks only

*Restrooms will be located in the Baseball Building. Restrooms will be cleaned periodically throughout the game.

*Fan announcements focusing on Covid Guidelines will happen after every inning is completed. Along with Pre Game announcements.

Coach and Team Guidelines

*Visiting Teams will provide Temp Checks upon arrival and given to the Event Manager for approval at the gate entering the field.

*Visiting Teams will be placed in the 1B dugout.

*Maximum of 21 players in the dugout at one time.

*Extra players will have chairs to sit in the bullpen and behind the gate for entrance into the dugout.

*Chairs will also be provided in the dugout to ensure social distancing.

*A total of 30 people are allowed in dugouts at one time.

*Game balls will be given when necessary. All balls that end up out of play will be cleaned by coaching staff and ready to be provided to Umpires when asked for.

*Personal water bottles will only be allowed for players and coaches. No water coolers will be provided or allowed.

*Coaches are required to wear face masks at all times.

*Players and coaches will be required to wear facemasks while inside the dugout.

*Players who are on the field of play are not required to wear masks during live game play. Any team or coaches meeting on or off the field of play will require all players and coaches to mask up.

*Players will be assigned a specific place for sitting. This will not change throughout the game.

*In between innings a designated coach will wipe down all equipment used during the previous inning.

Fan and Player Exit

*Fans will exit the facility upon completion of the game immediately and head to their vehicles. No fans or family will be allowed to enter the field of play after the completion of the game.

*Players will complete their post-game responsibilities and gather equipment to be taken to the Baseball Building. Then players will exit immediately. Prior to the game Players will have their bags and clothes spread out in the Baseball building to pick up and leave immediately.

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