Playing lacrosse helped make Jager Burton better football player


Jager Burton (Larry Vaught Photo)

Playing lacrosse for three years (seventh grade through freshman) might have had a significant impact on Kentucky freshman offensive lineman Jager Burton’s football career.

“Playing was fun and just something to do to help keep me in shape,” Burton said. “Once I got to high school I realized I needed to focus on football to do my best but lacrosse was so much fun and I really enjoyed it.”

Was he a bully on the field?

“Yeah, I got a lot of penalties. It is like hockey on cleats and not ice,” he laughed and said. “It can get really physical.”

Burton said playing lacrosse helped him with his change of direction and learning how to read people’s hip movements.

“You always look at the hip or shoulders and can tell where to go and lacrosse is a lot like that because you have to be able to read which way you take your stick,” Burton said.

“Playing lacrosse really helped me change direction. Like sticking your toe in the ground and breaking a different way and all that. It definitely helped and made me a better football player.”

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