Chick-fil-A Triple A – Caldwell County’s Daniel Laurent


Not every high school freshman owns their own business, but Caldwell County’s Daniel Laurent doesn’t have to worry about staying busy.

Between going to school, playing two sports and operating Daniel Laurent Durocs, he doesn’t have a lot of free time on his hands.

Laurent is a lineman on the Caldwell football team and is a member of the Tiger track team where he throws the discus and shot put.

He is also an All-A student and is enjoying his first year at the high school.

Laurent is heavily involved in the local 4-H program, where he participates in showing hogs and livestock judging.

His business, Daniel Laurent Durocs, involves breeding and raising hogs. His spring litters are raised for show pigs and his fall litters are raised for meat.

This year at the Kentucky State Fair, Laurent’s hogs finished as Class 2 winner and Reserve Champion KY Proud Duroc Market Hog. To qualify in this event, hogs must be bred and raised in Kentucky. With Laurent raising his hogs in Princeton, they definitely qualify.

Daniel is the youngest of five siblings. His parents are Kevin and Collette Laurent.

His interest in pigs came from watching his sister Renee when he was young. All of his siblings were involved in 4-H, so he followed in their footsteps.

Laurent and the Tiger football team will play at home this Friday against Union County.

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