California summer workouts helped Terrence Clarke build chemistry with future UK teammates


Terrence Clarke (UK Athletics Photo)

When his senior season at Brewster Academy in New Hampshire ended, Terrence Clarke said conversations started about him going to California to work out with future Kentucky teammates Devin Askew and BJ Boston who both played in California.

“Devin and BJ just told me that I could come out there and stay with them and work out with them,” Clarke said Monday during a media Zoom conference. “For me, those are my future teammates and I thought there would be no problem with it.

“I worked as hard as ever in Boston, but in LA we worked even hard. I feel like we worked out about four or five times a day, so I knew the situation would be great.

He stayed with Boston for about a month and a half just working on his game and getting to know his UK teammates.

‘I knew that if I could get out there and work with my teammates we could build chemistry early. Our main goal is to win a championship, so obviously that was a great situation,” Clarke said.

Other future UK teammates also reached out about possibly coming to California but COVID-19 restrictions prevented that from happening.

“Cam(‘Ron Fletcher) and Isaiah (Jackson) would have definitely come out if it was possible for them. The situation limited that, but I feel like if we had the chance, we all would have been out there and working out and coming together,”Clarke said. “We all already had a group chat and everything where we were all talking amongst each other even before the season started. We were already excited. I wish that they were there. We’re all still here (now in Lexington) and we’re organized.”

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