The UHA Lady Blazers tennis team won one and tied one, while the Blazers swept their tennis match Tuesday afternoon at Ruff Park. The girls defeated Union County 3-1 and tied with Lyon County 2-2, while the Blazers beat the Lyons 4-0 in the tri-match hosted by UHA.
Girls Singles – UHA vs Lyon County
Sophia Maddux (UHA) def Octavia Bradley (LC) forfeit due to medial withdrawal
Kate Bennett (UHA) def Zoe Board (LC) 8-2
Hannah Holland (UHA) lost to Divina Wallace 5-8
Girls Doubles – UHA vs Lyon County
Mitlali Patel/Kelsee Freeman (UHA) lost to Audrey Crayne/Caitlin Comerford 2-6,1-6
Boys Singles – UHA vs Lyon County
Riley Simmons (UHA) def Austin Burban (LC) 6-0,6-3
Shahyan Khan (UHA) def Andy Zheng (LC) 6-0,6-0
Zohaib Iabal (UHA) def Zander Place (LC) 6-0,6-0
Boys Doubles – UHA vs Lyon County
Brady Bilyeu/Dylan Edmonson (UHA) def Burban/Zheng (LC) 8-0
Girls Singles – UHA vs Union County
Sophia Maddux (UHA) def Tori Collins (UC) 4-6,6-2 (10-8)
Katie Bennett (UHA) def Mallory White (UC) 8-1
Hannah Holland (UHA) lost to Paige Buckman (UC) 0-8
Girls Doubles – UHA vs Union County
Mitali Patel/Kelsee Freeman (UHA) def Lilly Shirel/Jariah McDaniels (UC) 8-8 (7-4)